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Tall Poppy | Game Trailer
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Developed by: Attainable Entertainment Inc
Published by: Attainable Entertainment Inc. 
Releases: Steam, Humble Bundle (Nov 26, 2021), Itch (June 2019)

Price: $2.99 USD
System: Windows 10/11
Genre: Fun-House Horror, Indie, Adventure
Mood: Comedy, dark humor, jump scare, horror, suspenseful 
Languages: English
Rating: Teen
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Social: YouTube, TiktokTwitter, Facebook, Twitch, Instagram



​Tall Poppy is a short-but-sweet, funhouse-horror adventure about a man on a quest to retrieve his wife's purse she mistakenly forgets in the local cemetery. Using your trusty dashboard flashlight, in the middle of the night, *gulp*, explore the church grounds while evading a sinister "presence!"

Explore the church grounds!

  • While trying to find your wife's purse, you will explore the old creaky halls of the nuns' living quarters, search through office's and even make your way through the depths of the creepy crypts!

Escape Tall Poppy!

  • Tall Poppy has a tendency to chase all who enter his domain, so try not to make too much noise!

Some say this ghost has a way of following people home...

Tall Poppy was developed by two hobbyist game devs with the goal to actually finish a project. Chris Larue, founder and lead developer of Attainable Entertainment and a 3D artist, met on a Blender discord channel one afternoon in 2018. They talked some more and after time they both decided to team up and make a short game together. With the skills they had at the time, they began planning the Fun-house horror game known now as Tall Poppy


The goal was to make a short comedic experience, something they can develop in a relatively short amount of time. The 3D artist was working on his dream game at the time and wanted to get back to it as soon as he could so our scary game project had to not take longer than 3 months. Well it ended up taking longer than 3 months and the 3D artist went back to work on his own game. Chris continued development with the little programming skills he had and after 8 months he released it on in June 2019 for free. It was buggy, but it was good enough to show people.  

It released with decent reception with players like Markiplier, 8-BitRyan and DomPlays playing the game. Up to 4,762,956+ million eyes have been exposed Tall Poppy that year!


Then, in September 2021, a Tiktok creator named emortalmarcus played Tall Poppy and the game blew up in popularity again with his video gaining over 4.5 million views! He had to take it down and repost it, but the momentum was already in motion and gained another 81k views on his repost. Because of that, TikTokers, YouTubers and Twitch streamers like DashieGamesWindah Basudara, Chimkandian played the game and shared their experiences with it. Players across the world were enjoying Tall Poppy...but it still had 2019 bugs that 2021 Chris needed to fix. 

Chris made a task list of all the bugs and rolled up his sleaves and got to work fixing them. He added controller support, fixed audio issues, cleaned up double spawning issues, widget issues and much more. His skills grew since the original launch of Tall Poppy and put them to good use. Now with the bugs fixed, he applied to put the game on Steam and was accepted! The Steam launch happened on Nov 26th 2021 and even more folks enjoyed the game world wide! The current average rating is 88% Very Positive (at the time of writing this, May 27, 2022).

With the money raised from sales of Tall Poppy, Chris/Attainable Entertainment began development of Tall Poppy 2! Using the new Unreal Engine 5 to create the best Tall Poppy game Attainable Entertainment can yet!


Daves Gazebos_edited.jpg


Chris Larue is the founder and lead developer at Attainable Entertainment. He was the lead programmer, lead animator, 3D artist, level/environment designer and also the voice of Tall Poppy himself! Among those skills, Chris was in charge of doing the admin work, setting up the game’s store pages and performing customer service via Discord

While doing those other duties, he was the producer working alongside a contractor who worked on 3D art, programming and modeling for Tall Poppy.


How long is Tall Poppy?
The average player will beat it within 15 minutes minimum and up to 30-40 min maximum depending on how scared they are while playing.

Why isn't Tall Poppy on the consoles?
We'd love to be on all platforms, however this Tall Poppy experience is to short to be on consoles. 

How tall is Tall Poppy?
He's as tall as he wants to be! He's a ghostly presence that can shape his body however he wishes!

Is this game co-op?

This game is a single player experience, that said, the game is short enough to watch your buddies play and get scared too!

Will there be a Tall Poppy 2?
Yes! We are currently in development of Tall Poppy 2 as we speak! We encourage you to join our discord server to get the inside scoop!

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